Monday, April 14, 2014

AIM n Easter

Thankfully this weekend I don't have a big story about getting lost... maybe that's because the events I attended where in two location in NWA. And I would sure hope that I don't get lost in the area I grew up but if anyone could... it'd be me!

It was another 5:45am Saturday morning but well worth it! I started out by meeting my fellow Rounders girls and several board members at the CrossPoint church in Rogers where some thousand people gathered for an AIM event. The autism awareness event was a success! The support found in their close knit relationships are none to matched! There were bouncy houses, hoola-hooping, chalk painting, and Rodeo of the Ozarks hosted a petting zoo and a few other activities. One huge hit was board members, Sach Oliver and Brian Adams, dressed as rodeo clowns! And the kids loved seeing all of the rounders in their sparkly shirts and cowboy hats.  A dozen vendors advertised and gave samples. Music was playing, food was cooking, a silent auction was taking place and everyone was having a great time! We mingled and I signed autographs and played with kids. There was not a child that didn't touch my heart but one little boy especially captured me. Connor was so enthusiastic, outgoing, and energetic that I couldn't help but to hang out with him.

At 10am the autism awareness 5K walk began. After the crowd dissipated to head to the walk, I snuck away to head to Parsons Stadium for the Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Roundup was just as big as the AIM event! As soon as I got there I was swarmed by kids with big smiles and Easter baskets full of candy and prizes. I visited with the kids there for a solid two hours until it settled down then headed to get in a two hour ride since weather was a beautiful 75 degrees!

It was a busy but super fun morning! I love my job as a rodeo queen!!!

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